Monday, December 12, 2011

Hello Blogging! (Again)

Hello random assortment of people who love me,
I am always completely blank when it comes to knowing how in the world to to start these crazy things. You'd think that with 14+ years of education I'd be able to come up with some cunning, hook that would capture my readers but alas, I cannot. That, and I'm terrible at grammar, spelling and the whole gamut. In fact, when I typed that last sentence I had to look up how to spell grammar and gamut. :)

Hi. My name is Lara. This is a blog all about a girl who is trying desperately to go wherever God tells her to. This is a blog about a girl trying to obey His voice in even the smallest and most seemingly insignificant of things. Yes. I have another blog. Yes I will probably keep writing that one. And yes, probably only my mother will end up reading half of what I post here. Perhaps. Actually, my mother is really not very good with computers so she won't even be able to get to this page unless I show her how. But that's ok.

This blog is all about my journey on finding out how to trust God with my life. Hence, the title of the blog. I think it's admirable because all of us as Christians have to take this journey. A lot of people think and expect others to take the magic leap from believing in God to faith in Him without first building the bridge of trust in between. This is usually why a lot of people in church today find themselves in the whole of unbelief. At least, that's what I think. Trust is the thing that takes us from what we believe to faith that it will happen. Trust, in essence, is giving up all control to a God who we know can fully take care of us.
Trust is hard.
It's messy.
It takes time.
And most of the time it strips us of control.
But. It's essential to our journey.

This is my journey. I do hope you all will come along. Feel free to laugh with me (or at me), hate me, love me, yell at me, cry with me. Whatever you like. I want to use this to share what God's up to in my life in a process for several different reasons. Want to hear them? Good.
1)Because this is the most economical way of keeping in touch with the many people who support me emotionally, financially, spiritually, etc.
2)It's a great tool to share all of the testimonies of God's goodness.
3)I want to better my writing skills.
4)I want to learn to be less polished and more vulnerable and real (get ready for some fun stories!)
5)To force myself to use the creativity that God has given me.

So what can you expect from this blogging madness? I'm glad you asked!
-Stories of God's goodness, His mercy, His love and everything in between.
-Challenges and brain stretchers.
-Grammatical errors, as has been established.
-Completely made up words. Sorry. It's just who I am.
-Randomness. Probs starting tomorrow.
-Stories of miracles, healings, and things that should not happen. It's who God is.
-What's up! The specs of where I am, what I'm up to and why I think it's relevant wherever you are!
-This thing to mutate. It always does. Don't be surprised if the background is different like every other day. I get bored...

So. That's what this craziness is all about. Hope you all enjoy my journey. Hope you find it inspiring, challenging and at times, totally ridiculous.

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