I have no creative way to begin this post. It's 11:19pm and I've been up since 4:00am but I know I've heard the word 'write' so write I will.
This year is all about discovery with God. I thought it was about 'rediscovery' but I'm realizing with everything He shows me that what I'm discovering are things that I absolutely never knew, or never knew at the level He's taking me to now, so therefore it's just simply discovery. (excuse my random bunny-trails, fatigue betrays me)
This past week, I learned the meaning of a word in a way I had never thought of it before. That word, was validation. One of the definitions of Validations is to "Declare legal, or valid."
This is what I wrote during worship earlier this week:
You validate every part of me; reach in deep, hold me here, right to you.
No part of me is left untouched, or unmoved. I've been searched and under this veil of Christ's blood, found worthy of Your love.
So where else would I need to turn, other than towards you? If my completion is here with You, then where else would I even be tempted to go?
Is there anywhere safer?
Is there anywhere greater?
No where else could I feel the way I do, when I'm here.
I'm completely understood.
Completely whole.
Completely, simply, me.
Cause I'm complete when I find myself in You. I'm sure of hope, sure of a future, full of goodness, completely sure that there's nothing that can hold me back.
Because you validate me. For I was created, even before I was conceived. And here in you, every part of me is for a purpose, and from a purpose. Why would I want anything to hold me back from being fully who I am in You? What sin is too big to overcome? What fear too hard to face? What doubt can remain?"
I discovered this week, more than ever, that God is the one that validates me. Now that I know this, it really doesn't matter what people do and say to me. It really doesn't matter what my circumstances are. It really doesn't make a difference if I have abundance, or nothing. Because my life is validated by the very one that created the foundations of the earth. I have permission to just be me! Nothing more, but nothing less. And in the discovery of the validation we have in God, there is freedom that is unheard of. We will be so free...we might actually scare some people.
And the same is for you. He is the one that validates all of who you are.
I love it! And I love the freedom that comes with it! So many of us have an identity crisis because we don't understand that Christ has validated us!