For those of you who are not on my email, address list here is my support letter! Thank you for considering investing in this amazing oportunity! :)
Dear Family and Friends,
I've had the honor this year of going to the Bethel School of Ministry here in Redding, California something that I didn't plan on doing when I moved to California. I've written in my past emails that it is the best thing that I never knew I needed, and that is certainly true. As part of our school, we get to go on missions trips in the Spring apart from our tuition. At the time of choosing my missions trip I still had over a thousand dollars left to pay on my tuition here at school. As we were choosing missions trips, I was really tempted to pick trips that were only state-side, making them cheaper than international trips. While this would have been great, and ministry is so needed anywhere and in every context, after spending time with the Lord I realized I was choosing those out of fear, and not because I was feeling called to those places. Since being here the Lord has really been stirring my heart more and more for the nations. For probably the last 8 years or so I have been praying more specifically and feeling more drawn to the culture of the Middle East. I have fallen in love more specifically with the women of that culture and read a lot of their stories. Even though I have always had a desire to get to the Middle East, it has always been something that I viewed as far off, somewhere I would go when I was older and 'more experienced.' However, as I was reading through the mission trips choices, 3 of M.E. countries stood out to me. With faith, I chose the countries I felt like Holy Spirit was highlighting to me, not the countries that my bank account told me I could go to.
I love how God works...a week later my tuition got paid off in full, and a month later I found out that God wanted to turn a far off dream, into a reality today. March 29-April 12 I am planning on going to Lebanon with a group of 15 from the school. For those of you who don't have the Middle East memorized, Lebanon is the country in between Israel and Syria along the Mediterranean Sea. While in country, we will be partnering with a ministry that is already established in country called Tent of Praise to serve their vision in the area. We will be working to bring the love of God from the top of the Lebanon Mountain Range to the edge of the Mediterranean Sea, from villages to Universities. We will work to encourage the local churches, praying with them for breakthrough and also partnering with them in outreaches. We will also be doing street ministry and stepping out in faith to see amazing things happen in people's lives as they're touched by the love of God. And what better way to pray into both Syria and Israel than from the country that shares a border in one trip?
The heart and passion of the Bethel Mission Trips Department is to see the sons and daughters of God in all the nations awaken to His goodness and love. As children of Heaven, we have access to His Kingdom and demonstrate His love, glory, and power in all aspects of society. Their strategy is to raise up a generation of world changers in their own nations to begin to run with their God-given inheritance to bring heaven to earth and transform their nation. This trip, through Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry (BSSM), ultimately reflects the vision of the Bethel Mission Trips Department and I am excited to have a part along with 1,100 of my classmates. :)
It is in great humility that I ask if you would like to partner with me once again to make this a reality. I am so excited already about what God is going to do. It is in my heart to see as many people in the world burning with realization of who they are and just how much God loves them. I am asking that you seek the Lord if and how you are to give, whether financially or through prayer. The trip altogether is $2645, and I need to raise at least $1445 by JANUARY 22nd in order to secure my plane ticket. Because of amazing people like you, I have already been able to raise $400 of that! THANK YOU! I will need to raise the remaining $1200 by February 26th. If you would like to give, just follow these instructions:
Financial gifts may be made online at (this is tax deductible if needed) Go to 'Give today' and under 'Find a traveler' type student's name, select it and fill out payment information.
If online payment is not an option, check donations can be made payable to Bethel Church and mailed to the following address:
Bethel Mission Trips Department
Redding, CA 96003. ( Please include a note with the donation designating which student’s trip
you are supporting.)
I also cannot tell you how much I value your prayers. I do realize very much the area I am walking into willingly and the dangers there are. I don't pretend to be naive, but I do know who God is, and I do know what kind of people are praying for me. The covering you create is too great to place a value on. I know that I (and probably my mother this time around) value your prayers very much. They are rich, and very felt.
I know that an email cannot tell you all how excited I am for this trip. It feels like the beginning of something completely new for me. Thank you so much for how you've supported me as I travel to the near places and the not-so-near ones trying to be obedient, and to learn how to trust. While I don't know exactly how far He'll lead me, it is so comforting to know the support I have. Thank you for considering investing and partnering with what I know the Lord is doing in my life. My breakthroughs are always yours, and my blessings I pray will be given to you 100 times over. I love you all and will keep you updated on this great adventure of dreams coming true!
God bless!
(if you have any questions, my phone number is (319) 750-2385)
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