Tuesday, March 26, 2013


It really has been too long once again. And once again I am lacking the creative touch that I feel is needed to start these random musings. But I feel that a blog is due before my trip to the other side of the world. I leave for Lebanon in 4 days. I am beyond excited. If I could leave right now, I would go without a suitcase, I'm that ready. But alas, 3 days of work, 2 days of school and a list to get done as long as a yard stick still stand in my way. And so I've been working extremely hard to focus the last few days. To focus on not getting my suitcase out, to not allow my mind to go to the endless things I think I have to remember or I will die (after 2 weeks? What has Westernism done to my brain!) 
But most of all I've been focusing really hard (which I need to do at all times) on getting every single gem I can out of this week. I would hate to miss a jewel, a treasure that The Lord has hidden for me here and now because I'm too focused on the there and then of the next season. Oh, how often am I guilty of that?! And let me tell you, since this has been my focus, I have had some of the most precious moments with The Lord. The most precious that I've had. 

Really, I didn't write to write about any of that (surprise!). I did, however want to share some thoughts I quickly jotted down today during worship. It was such a rich time and I just wanted to challenge you with it. It's core to who I am, and I'm telling you, it's truth. 

-By embracing and being excited about the mysteries of God, the things not understood, you are declaring the mightiness of God and opening yourself up to receive the beautiful things that are unknown to those who are constantly in need of an explanation. Sometimes you just have to say 'no' to needing to understand everything and say 'yes' to an all-knowing, all-powerful God that created you before the world knew of you. The highest form of trust you can show Him is to stand in the midst of a situation that makes no sense and worship as if you do. I have a high value for reason and thinking- i love to strategize and find new things, but I run into the mysteries of God. There has been nothing else that leaves me in awe of His vastness more than seeing something from Him that makes no sense to me but speaks of His glory. When I run into Him and make Him my complete focus and lay down my need to understand, I find that it puts me in a position where I let Him be my reason. He can show me how and what to think. I think that too often we miss what God is doing because we are expecting something specific and God is doing or saying something else. When we are growing in deeper and more intimate relationship with him we should constantly be in situations where we are learning something new from and about him. I worry if we feel that we have Him figured out. He is a beautiful, creative, fun, good God that loves to talk and meet with His kids. I pray that we can rediscover that more and more as we grow in awe of Him. 

"There's no place I'd rather be, than here in your love, here in your love."

I think that's all for now. Goodnight from Redding-land. 

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