Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Felt that I was supposed to share an experience with you this evening.

I have been in some sort of major life transition for over 4 years now. I've talked about it before, how it's hard to fully function when you're not sure what your 'role' looks like. Most of the time, I don't have a problem being excited and at ease about trusting God's timing for my life. Lately, it's been a bit harder. The combination of being 1900 miles away from my family and anything that's safe with being in a house that is currently undergoing a lot of renovations and has absolutely no order for the last month kind of started taking a toll on my mind this week. There have been some situations this last month that have really left me questioning my value. Now, not my value as a person, etc just my value in the Kingdom and what I'm actually called to.

Monday it all kind of came to a culmination. I was frustrated, exhausted and flat out honest before God. I started asking Him why I was where I was. My heart has only ever yearned to serve Him with my whole life. To give Him the best of what I have. But for the past 2 years it seems like I haven't even known what to give Him. I started having this conversation with Him about my longing to serve Him and yet wondering if I even had anything to offer Him that could possibly help further His kingdom on earth. You see, when someone misunderstands us, or underestimates our giftings or just plain doesn't know us, we have this tendency to tune into them instead of our heavenly Father.

And while there was no immediate answer to this very hard conversation, last night I was awoken from my sleep hearing God repeat and sing (yes, God sings!) this over me:

"I value you. I value every part of you. I value you. I value the very depths of your being-the very depths of who you are. The things you like, the things you don't even know about yourself yet. I value you. I value what you carry. I value the stature of your heart. I value you, and you don't even understand how much I value you. Your words? I value you them. What you keep hidden in your heart? I value that. I value you, Lara. I value all of you."

And the fact of the matter is, He sings the same song over you. It sounds different to each. Each has a different cadence, a different rhythm. Each with different chords and progressions. Each with melodies and harmonies so sweet, so passionate and so uniquely matching what's going on inside. But each message the same. You are valued. You are precious, and listened to and necessary to the kingdom of God.

From the King of a far off land, to a Starbucks Barista. From the pastor of large, thriving church, to the Pastor of a small, rural church that is barely staying afloat. From the CEO of a major multi-million dollar company to the stay-at-home momma rocking her babies to sleep every night. From the ministers of the gospel with a large following and multiple books to the girl who just wants to serve God but is stuck working at Target to make ends meet (thank you Jesus!) We ALL have value in the Kingdom of God. We are each valued by this King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Many parts, same body.

It's amazing how different people act when they know they are valued. It's amazing how empowered they not only feel but they become. I long to create relationships around me that make every single person aware that I value what they each carry so much. I long for people to be fully themselves knowing that I will celebrate who they are and challenge them to be the best possible, because we as a body need it. Because they were created for a purpose, and we need what they carry. I wonder what would happen if the church would begin to fully value peoples giftings even if they weren't giftings that looked uniquely 'church-ese?' I think that the church would grow dramatically. Not just in numbers, but in depth.

My challenge is two-fold. First, is examine your perception of how God is viewing you. If you've struggled at all with your identity in Him take some time, get alone with Him and listen for your 'song.' Hear Him saying over you: "I value you. I value what you carry."

Second, take some time to evaluate and fix any relationships where you have underestimated or wrongly treated people you care about. Especially people in the church. Begin to place value on the giftings you see in them even if you don't understand them or they seem odd to you. Look for what God is doing in them, and partner with it quickly to encourage them in that gift. I have a feeling they will come alive around you in a very interesting way.

I hadn't intended to write this much, but it's amazing what comes flowing out of you in 10 minutes when it's so close to your heart. Sorry it's not much of an update per-say but it is what God has been challenging me with/teaching me. I will have much to update soon for Ireland. IRELAND! :)

Love you all. You are each valued much by me.
2 Samuel 22:20 "He led me to a place of safety; He rescued me because He DELIGHTS in me."

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