Saturday, May 12, 2012

Ireland, houses and jobs.

Hi just a VERY quick update, probably many grammatical errors, included.

After one of the busiest, craziest, most extravagant months (and especially week) of my life I am 5 hours out from the beginning of my trip to Ireland. I would love and appreciate your prayers as we travel and do what we feel we are called to do there.

In the last week I got hired as a home-care provider for a not-for-profit here in town. I had applied back in March but couldn't work the position they had available but I really fell in love with the people and told them that if they ever had anything else available please call me. Fast forward 2 months to Monday and after literally the night before asking God for another job, I woke up to a phone call asking if I still wanted to work with them and if I would like to come in for another interview. I of course said yes, then found out Tuesday that I didn't need to do the interview and could begin training. In the past 3 days I have been trained in CPR, First Aid and my initial training with Compass Care. I am so excited to begin being able to have direct access with people once again and am so excited for, yet another, new challenge.

After a month of fixing up a house, prepping for Ireland, training for a new job, helping write some curriculum and a slew of other random things I am feeling so empowered in who God has made me to be. I have never before trusted my voice as much as now, never before seen how actively He's working on our behalf. I am exhausted, but I am empowered. It is amazing just how much His grace is sufficient to meet all of our needs and desires. His mercies really ARE new every morning. There has been a lot of hard, not just in my life, but also from afar in Iowa, but there is a lot of amazing in with it. It's important that we never base our theology and beliefs on things that don't happen, or haven't happened but rather we press in and press on until we really do see heaven come on earth. That is my passion. That is my goal. More than ever I know that I know that my purpose is to destroy the works of the devil and see heaven fill this earth everywhere I walk. Why not start now? Why not start here?

Ireland: T-Minus 5 hours. Thank you for the prayer as we go. Not sure that I'll be able to update while there but certainly will have much good to share upon return. Love you all more than you understand.

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