Saturday, January 7, 2012

The excitement of God, and the Extravagance of His people...

Good evening all! I am one day closer to California. Today's tally: 819 miles. Another 17ish hours and I will be 'home sweet home.' As it is January I am happy to announce that today was uneventful. I had about 40 miles of light snow somewhere in the abyss that is Nebraska. Other than that the only other snow I saw at all was on the cliffs and rocks of Wyoming as I headed into Laramie where I am currently stopped for the night.

I really wrote to give an update on some of the amazing things God has done. Recently I had shared that I wasn't quite where I was wanting to be financially. Usually something like this would bother me a bit as I like to at least have some sort of a plan. For some reason though, God would not allow me to worry at all. I kept hearing Him say, 'just hold on lara, it's coming.' Well. That was Thursday morning.

Thursday evening I had a visitor who just wanted to give a little so I would choose the nicer hotels on my trip. I am certainly taking advantage of that tonight. Which, I might add...I am at a nice hotel and they gave it to me half price!! :)

Friday morning, I was literally woken up by another blessing waltzing into my room. Handing me money, squeezing my neck and waltzing out before I could even rub the sleep out of my eyes. 

And as if that wasn't enough, God sealed in His promise with a donation in the afternoon that left me breathless, and crying in public like a little baby. I now have enough to open an account to start saving for when I need to get my own place. 

He knows exactly what we need. I had put out in front of Him how much I wanted to feel 'comfortable' and He is answering it in His timing. Every time someone gives I feel His excitement. Not just on my life, but more so on the lives of the people who are giving. Whenever someone gives extravagantly the first thing that comes to my mind is, 'I know who their God is.' 'They trust Him and they know just how extravagant His love is for them.' I can feel God's excitement at their faithfulness, their trust, and their willingness to invest. 

You will never know the difference something can make in someone's life if you never give it. I'm thankful to be around people who know whos they are and know that what they have is His. That's the way I always long to live my life. With my hands wide open. To be the extravagance to someone that ignites something in them that makes them never the same. 

From the depths of my heart for those that have given financially and emotionally, and however else you've given. THANK YOU! My life will never be the same.'re more than welcome to barge into my room any time. Do what God tells you too! :)

Some images from today:
On the road again:
Am I the only one who finds these creepy?
First time eating Runza:
I ate my weight in cheese.

Tune in tomorrow for Day 2!

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