Sunday, January 8, 2012

The Little Engine that Could.

I don't know that traveling is ever 'normal' but today was just about the furthest away from normal that you could get. 

From standing in line behind a bunch of ice surfing bums from Kentucky at Subway, to staying in a hotel attached to a casino because literally every hotel in Nevada is attached to a casino. From 2 stations available on the radio to thinking I saw a kangaroo jump out of the bushes somewhere in the middle of Wyoming. 

It was a fun day to say the least. Final mileage count for today: 747. 
I want to give props to my car. With 182,000+ miles She's been so good to me. Today though, I found out that She really does not like mountains. I feel like my foot was on the floor of my car all day today, in fact, I have a blister on my toe to prove it. I frequently felt myself thinking, "I think I can, I think I can, I think I can." :) I am so grateful once again today for the amazing weather. Every time I would pass a 'chain tires required when flashing' sign that wasn't flashing I would rejoice and praise God even more. Especially when I got into Nevada where there are hardly any places to stop if there would be weather.

And once again, I am overwhelmed by His grace on this trip. Not only with weather but with safety and peace. Tonight I got pulled over because my back tail light isn't working properly. The cop that pulled me over started to make polite conversation with me as He read over my license. Come to find out, He lived in Redding for an extended amount of time...Hmmm, interesting. After wishing me luck, I was again on my way amazed at God's goodness and His little, fun confirmations along the way.

And again, for the 2nd night in a row, I was given a discount at my amazingly nice hotel. This one a little more expensive, but I feel incredibly safe which was much more important. 

6 hours now lie between me and the next stage of my life. Anticipation just continues to build and build. I'm loving this journey, but I will love the destination even more.

Somewhere in Wyoming
The Great Salt Lakes...beautiful in the winter.
Only in Utah. Makes you feel like you're driving in the middle of a lake, eh?

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