Saturday, January 21, 2012

Learning the Definition of Doing.

Well, I'm not really sure what to post on, but I know I wanted to post so here it is! :) It's really hard to know how to update on things when you feel like almost everything is shifting and changing in your life. I'm loving life here in California in a whole new and different way than I ever have before. These last few weeks have shown me that God truly does want us to go 'from glory to glory' just happened that this included a move for me. One thing that's been changing dramatically in my life is learning how to just sit and wait before the Lord. I think more than I realized it, I had this concept of God that I constantly needed to be doing things for Him. If I wasn't worshiping I needed to be reading. If I wasn't reading I needed to be serving or journaling or working, or DOING something. Something that God dropped in my spirit yesterday both left me in tears and with a whole new concept on what our relationship means to Him. It's something I've known (points to head) but never really knew (points to heart). I hope it encourages you, and I hope that as you read my journey of learning how to fully trust the leading of the Spirit, you will be inspired to do the same also.
He said,
"Lara, the way that you think about me brings me joy. And it's my joy that gives you the strength to do what I've made you to do. When you simply focus your mind completely on me, even if you do nothing the whole day, you've accomplished much more than if you do things on your own. For it's your thoughts that put you in a position to do great things. Out of this place of simply dwelling on me you will move mountains. It's out of simply who you are that you will change nations."
This is a HUGE change of mindset. Being from the midwest, I've always felt guilty about being the creative type that I am. I always felt that I was never doing enough. And the constant act of trying to 'do' before the Lord left me unable to really do anything that I was designed to do (create). I have a feeling that my whole life will change from a mindset like this one. Who knows what God can and will do now that I finally feel free to completely surrender my schedule to Him?! It's exciting! :)

So, some updates from this end. Monday will mark 2 weeks of being here. I have had so many confirmations that this is where I am supposed to be in this season. It's been amazing. Some updates: I start my position at Target on Wednesday bright and early! :) I'm excited to start to have connections in the city and be a light even at 4:30 in the morning. ;)
-Wednesday I got to go to a healing conference and saw over 120 people get healed. The reports from Thursday nights is that over 300 got healed! What a mighty God we serve!
-Jim, Brenda, Kim and I are planning our trip to Ireland in May! We would love and appreciate your prayers in these regards. We are completely open to whatever the Holy Spirit is saying we should do on this trip. We are praying that God uses us to dispense His love and healing wherever we go. We would also appreciate your prayers and perhaps even your support as it is not cheap to purchase tickets and every day we wait the price gets a bit higher. (we trust God will reverse this!)
-I'm still fervently praying for connections here especially concerning housing and any other ministry opportunities that God has for me. In the past I have really underestimated myself on what I carry and what God can use me for and I am working hard to watch the words that come out of me, especially about myself. I'm so thankful for grace when we miss it, and His encouragement when we're in the midst of it! Aren't you?

That's really about it on my front, I think. Sometimes having a life as wide open as mine is at the moment is a little terrifying, but most of the time it is the most secure I've ever felt. I am sure that most of that is because of all of your prayers and support. And for this, again, I say thank you.

Here's some more pictures!

Mountain View on my Walk. They have a ton of trails for walking and biking around here. It's lovely.

This is my testimony jar. Any time God does anything I write it down. The intent is to read them every year on my birthday. At this rate I'm going to have to get a much bigger jar. A lot of it, because of you! :)

Doing work on Brenda's website has been my primary job so far. It is very much beyond my expertise but there have been many words so far about learning things at an accelerated rate. I'm trusting that those are for us as we are learning much in this season.

One of the many perks to living in California. There is no other burger place like this. You will never want to eat mcdonalds or wendys again. I've restrained and only made 1 late night run.

Yep, I'm the newest Target employee. So strange to think about. So blessed by a position that was in essence created for me, and for hours that are usually hard to get. God is GOOD.

Until next time, my friends! May He shower you with blessings and may you allow yourself to be overwhelmed by His love in a new and fresh way. 
-Lara- format change #1. I'm sure many more to come. :)

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