Friday, March 23, 2012

The Irresistible Relationship

There's just something about this season approaching Easter that always impacts me more than any other season during the year. The cross beckons me to reflect on Jesus' extravagance and also on my own need for Him. I always end up going through major transformations because of new understandings of who He is. Last night Grace was that thing that left me undone.

"Grace still unseen. So very much still unknown. Still very much uncovered. Grace ready to meet every need. Still waiting to be unveiled. Grace that is beyond sufficient for all of your needs. Grace that breaks every barrier of known extravagance. Grace that awaits your action; to meet every situation you step out, step up, and into. Extravagance in every sense of the word, and in every nonsensical-sense of the word; that's what His grace is.

He is the divine romancer. He romances in all ways. In every way that we can imagine and cannot imagine, He is ours. He is not just sufficient to meet our emotional needs, all of our physical needs. He is made to meet those because He has hand-crafted me, He has hand-crafted you. He knows me inside and out. Every part of me. He meets all needs and becomes the center of every longing. So come woo me, great lover. 'Come run with me on the mountainsides, come frolic with me on the plains, splash with me in the rivers.' 

When I look in to the eyes of fullness, how can I look anywhere else? How can I look at Him, the perfect one, and see anything incomplete? How can I look into completion and feel lack? I can't run from Him. When I turn to look, He's right there with me. I can't remain silent, for His great love beckons me to an irresistible relationship. I just can't do it. I can't resist Him. He pursues too hard. He loves far too well. He gave up everything so that we could be together. He gave up everything and carried all of my sins so that I could have a place beside Him. He gave it all, carried my sins and continued to come after me even when I denied Him so that we could be friends, closer than friends.

Even when I slammed the door. Even when I opened the door and denied His input. Even when I let Him in, and then kicked Him out. Even when I cheated, blatantly ignoring and betraying Him. Even when I pretended not to hear Him knocking, still He loved me unconditionally, still He loved you. Still He knocked. Still He went to the cross for me; the most wretched of them all.

And still He makes me white as snow. Still He looks at me and sees what He can make me. Still, He looks at me and sees who I was, who I really am, and who I will be.

So why do we hide? Why do we fear to come to this romancer so much? Why do we run away from the Hope of Nations? Why do we fight against the one who is the very Author and Perfecter of our faith? I wonder, why do I over-complicate with fear, doubt and unbelief something that He has already fixed? Something that He has set right?

The cross is too active for me to be stuck in a rut of denying its work in my whole life, every part of me. I long to, from this day on, never deny God the access. To instead, turn into the die with Him so that I may have life abundantly with Him. To have fullness of joy and direct access to His presence. That's what He died to give me, so why would I deny Him anything less?"

Grace. I'm learning it in so many new and more powerful ways in this season. It's never what you expect, but it's always more than sufficient. I'm so thankful, and so amazed at just how sufficient He is. I pray that in this season especially as we approach Easter that you will allow His arms of grace to wrap around you wherever you are. Look into His eyes and be overwhelmed at who He is.

Love and Blessings,

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